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V. Silano, M. Aguilera Gómez
E. Efsa Panel Food Contact Materials,
"Safety evaluation of the food enzyme pullulanase from genetically modified Bacillus subtilis strain NZYM-AK", "EFSA Journal"
, vol.15(8), 1-22, 2017
A. Ruiz Rodriguez, T. Cerdó, R. Jauregui, D. Pieper, A. Marcos , A. Clemente-Gimeno, F. Garcia Garcia, A. Margolles, M. Ferrer, C. Campoy Campoy
A. Suarez Garcia,
"One-year calorie restriction impacts gut microbial composition but not its metabolic performance in obese adolescents", "Environmental Microbiology"
, vol.19, 1536-1551, 2017
G. Lollo, A. Gonzalez Paredes, M. Garcia -Fuentes, P. Calvo, D. Torres
M.J. Alonso ,
"Polyarginine nanocapsules as a potential oral peptide delivery carrier", "Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences"
, vol.106, 611-618, 2017
M. Aguilera Gómez "Microorganismos QPS (Qualified Presumption of Safety) utilizados intencionalmente en diferentes etapas de la cadena alimentaria", "NoticiaSEM"
, vol.112, 13-14, 2017
V. Silano, M. Aguilera Gómez
E. Efsa Panel Food Contact Materials,
"Safety evaluation of the food enzyme pullulanase from Pullulanibacillus naganoensis strain AE-PL", "EFSA Journal"
, vol.15(10), 1-22, 2017
T. Cerdó, A. Ruiz Rodriguez, A. Suarez Garcia
C. Campoy Campoy,
"Probiotic, Prebiotic, and Brain Development.", "Nutrients"
, vol.9, pii: E1247-, 2017
M. Mamusa, F. Barbero, C. Montis, L. Cutillo, A. Gonzalez Paredes
D. Berti,
"Inclusion of oligonucleotide antimicrobials in biocompatible cationic liposomes: a structural study", "Journal of Colloid and Interface Science"
, vol.508, 476-487, 2017
T. Cerdó, L.M. García Valdés, S. Altmäe, A. Ruiz Rodriguez, A. Suarez Garcia
C. Campoy Campoy,
"Role of microbiota function during early life on child's neurodevelopment", "Trends in Food Science & Technology"
, vol.57, 273-288, 2016
Última actualización del SICA: 10/01/2024