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M. Aguilera Gómez, A. López Moreno, K. Cerk, A. Suarez Garcia, E. Houdeau, B. Lamas, C. Cartier, E. Gaultier, D. Zalco, E. Van Pamel, M. Heyndrickx , G. Rasschaert, C. Van Poucke, M. Bidhe, A. Kulkarni, E. Sobiecka, T. Olejnik, Y. Gálvez Ontiveros, I. Moscoso, L. Rodrigo Conde-Salazar, M.J. Alvarez Cubero
A.M. Rivas Velasco,
"OBEMIRISK-Knowledge Platform for Assessing the Risk of Bisphenols on Gut Microbiota and its Role in Obesogenic Phenotype: Looking for Biomarkers", "EFSA Journal"
, vol.19 (4), 1-40, 2022
A. López-Moreno
M. Aguilera Gómez,
"Culturing and molecular approaches for identifying microbiota taxa impacting children¿s obesogenic phenotypes", "Nutrients"
, -, 2022
A. Ruiz Rodriguez, P. Lusarreta-Parga, W. Steenhuijsen Piters, L. Koppensteiner, C. Balcazar-Lopez, R. Campbell, R. Dewar, M. McHug, D. Dockrell, K. Templeton
D. Bogaert,
"Bacterial and fungal communities in tracheal aspirates of intubated COVID¿19 patients: a pilot study", "Scientific Reports"
, vol.12, 1-10, 2022
P. Ortiz Sandoval, A. Torres Sánchez, A. López Moreno, K. Cerk, Á. Ruiz-Moreno, M. Monteoliva Sanchez, A.A. Ampatzoglou, M. Aguilera Gómez
A. Gruszecka-Kosowska ___,
"Impact of Cumulative Environmental and Dietary Xenobiotics on Human Microbiota: Risk Assessment for One Health", "Journal of Xenobiotics"
, vol.12, 56-63, 2022
A. Ampatzoglou, A. Gruszecka-Kosowska ___, A. López Moreno, K. Cerk
M. Monteoliva Sanchez,
"Incorporating the Gut Microbiome in the Risk Assessment of Xenobiotics and Identifying Beneficial Components for One Health", "Frontiers in Microbiology"
, -, 2022
K. Cerk
M. Aguilera Gómez,
"Microbiota analysis for risk assessment: evaluation of hazardous dietary substances and its potential role on the gut microbiome variability and dysbiosis", "EFSA Journal"
, vol.20, 1-16, 2022
A. Gruszecka-Kosowska ___, A. Ampatzoglou
M. Aguilera Gómez,
"Integration of Omics Approaches Enhances the Impact of Scientific Research in Environmental Applications", "International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health"
, vol.19(14), 1-6, 2022
A. Torres Sánchez, J. Pardo, A. López Moreno, Á. Ruiz-Moreno, K. Cerk
M. Aguilera Gómez,
"Antimicrobial effects of potential probiotics of Bacillus spp. isolated from human microbiota: in vitro and in silico methods", "Microorganisms"
, vol.9, 1615-, 2021
Última actualización del SICA: 10/01/2024